
Restricciones de Acceso

Acceso limitado a estudiantes de preescolar a 3.er grado en una escuela elegible de Limitless Libraries para registrarse. Los estudiantes deben registrarse en Rosen LevelUP con sus padres antes de utilizar este recurso.

Sign Up for LevelUp

  1. Visit the LevelUp registration page at https://catalog.library.nashville.org/MyAccount/RegisterRosenLevelUP.
  2. Log in with your Limitless Libraries account.  
  3. Fill out the registration form.
  4. Click "Register." 

Log In to LevelUp

Note: You must register for a LevelUp account before logging in to LevelUp.  

  1. Click the Access button at the top of the page. 
  2. Once on the LevelUp site, click Log In

Using the Site

  1. Create an assessment for reading level.
  2. Select ebooks and eaudiobooks to read. The more books you read, the more points you earn.
  3. Once you've earned enough points, you can play a game.